Prophet Yahya  In the record of Zakariya AS, gave insights regarding the manner by which Zakariya's AS true petition to Allah made his better half creating Yahya AS in an exceptionally advanced age. We likewise discovered that Allah picked his name Yahya for his child, up 'til now unbelievable in humanity.

Genealogies contained Zakariya AS, Yahya AS, Maryam AS and Isa AS is firmly associated. Yahya AS could later be firmly connected with Isa AS, as his mom, who was Zakariya AS's significant other, Zakariya Just like his maternal auntie Maryam AS.

As indicated by certain records that Zakariya AS's better half Zakariya as well as Maryam AS were pregnant simultaneously. She shared with Maryam AS she had a foreboding inclination that the child in her stomach (Yahya AS) will one day be prostrate to Maryam's AS midsection (Isa AS). At that point, prostrating to one others was satisfactory and was considered as an image of regard.

Arabic researchers accept they accept that Yahya began as the action word "Hayaa"meaning life because of the way that he brought life into his mom's fruitless belly. There is likewise a conviction Yahya's name is conceded because of the way that Allah lifted him up on the sky through His confidence, devotion, and conviction and furthermore to be directed by courier. Allah gave him a lot of particular characteristics that no else had.

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As a youngster, Yahya AS didn't burn through his experience with ludicrous things. A couple of youngsters once welcomed him to participate with their games. He said that they were not made for playing. It was obvious that at an early time, Yahya AS was single engaged and focused on his life's motivation and that was to serve and love Allah.

As opposed to most of Prophets that got disclosure solely after they had arrived at the age of forty Yahya AS approached holy sacred texts as soon as his age. Since adolescence, Yahya AS was given the high ground in the domain of strict information and shrewdness. This appeared in his honesty:

(It was communicated in his language to the kid): "O Yahya! View the Sacred text (the TauratThe Taurat." And we gave him intelligence when he was being a small kid. (Al Qur'an 19:12)

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THE Personality OF YAHYA AS

Prophet Yahya Yahya AS was, for his loved ones, the best of individuals: quiet and profoundly focusing on creatures and people. He was delicate and kind to all, and had a vigorous love for every one of Allah's manifestations. His way of behaving was endlessly quiet and he was not quick to blow up.

He was so unadulterated and faithful in his the manner he acted and accepted that there was not one thing he did that was against Allah. While the Prophets and Couriers of Allah are allowed to wed be that as it may, he didn't need the delights of ladies' companionship since he didn't want his heart or zero in to be centered around any other person than Allah. He was in every case clean all through his life.

He was not at legitimate fault for a wrongdoing and his direct was flawless to the point that no one inside the local area had the option to chatter or try and ponder him. Of him, Allah says:

Then (made him) more lenient toward men, as a sort of benevolence (or the award) from us and liberated from wrongdoing [i.e. Yahyaand he was equitable. (Al Qur'an 19:13)

Likewise, he was a dependable child who never would not comply with his folks. He was a steadfast worker and regarded themby being caring, patient and kind in any event, when they were old. His personality was flawless not once violating any regulations, or showing any sign of pomposity or lack of regard.

what's more, loyal to his folks, and didn't show presumption or in noncompliance (to Allah or to his folks). (Al Qur'an 19:14)

Envision somebody like that, and the great conditions he experienced childhood in the group of the Prophet and a blessed lady Grandson of 'Imran (who was, as we said was one of the most lovely families to Allah of the past) and his cousin Maryam AS, and an uncle to Isa AS.

It was so decent his personality that Allah conceded him or will allow to him salam for every one of the three periods of his life including his introduction to the world, his demise and restoration:

So , Harmony to him on the day he was conceived, the day is his demise and the day when he is lifted to a higher level (once more)! (Al Qur'an 19:15)

A. The Courier of Allah SAW said: 'Each child of Adam will get back to the Day of Restoration and won't have committed a wrongdoing, barring Yahya Zakariya. Zakariya.'(Al-Hakam)

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As indicated by reports, on one occasion Yahya AS was out strolling alongside Isa AS. Isa AS requested that Yahya AS beg Allah for pardoning because of the way that Yahya AS was better than Isa AS. Yahya AS answered that Isa AS should perform du'a for him as opposed to request that Allah pardon him since Isa AS was superior to Yahya AS.

That's what to this, Isa AS answered "You are superior to me, since I called tranquility on myself, yet for your situation, Allah sent His tranquility upon you." This was a reference to the time that Isa AS tended to his kin as a child and said: "And harmony is on me from the second I was conceived, as well as the day I die and the day that I'm restored alive. " (Al Qur'an 19:33)

Truth be told, Isa AS perceived that in some ways, Yahya AS was prevalent and extended their common regard and affirmation of the spot in life that each didn't have.

According to Hadith, Yahya AS will be the head of the adolescent in Heaven alongside Hasan RA and Hussein RA (the grandkids of Mohammed SAW by means of his little girl Fatimah RA , and their significant other Ali ibn Abi Talib RA).

Yahya AS would cry a great deal in fear of Allah to the point the essence of his was recorded by the sections that his tears. We are within the sight of the Hadith that states:

"Two eyes won't be moved by Damnation: An eye that cries from the feeling of dread toward Allah, and an eye that went through the night in a watchman post in the way of Allah (Jihad)." Tirmidhi

He would like to invest his energy alone and keeping away from the organization of others. He likewise didn't follow a normal eating regimen, liking rather to take in leaves and take a beverage of the close by spring. It is accepted that he was so terrified of denying birds and creatures of their food that he held on until they got done or even eat the extras.

As per reports, a scholarly named Abu Idris Al Khaulani inquired: "Will I let you know who ate the most flawless food?" He then, at that point, informed the energetic group: "Yahya receptacle Zakariya ate the most flawless of food. He favored eating with creatures than I do since he could have done without blending in with others. "

Yahya AS never claimed any abundance or property. In all actuality, at that period, Bani Israel were acclimated with living richly and dressing in fine garments. Yahya AS liking to utilize the stow away and pelt of the creatures showing his acquiescence to lowliness, dread, and dedication to Allah.

The Qur'an is a depiction of each and every character type locally of devotees. On one side, Sulaiman AS had everything wanted, and at the furthest edge, Yahya didn't AS possess anything of dunia. At this time the time has come to pause for a minute to consider what we're doing. We trait our situation to the sort of home that we dwell in as well as the garments we wear and the sort of food we devour We don't figure the way that we should carry on with our lives as per what Allah is expecting of us whether we are rich or poor.

As indicated by certain reports sometime in the past Yahya AS vanished. His folks found him situated at the lower part of the Jordan Waterway, crying. He said that individuals of Jannah don't rest on account of the enjoyment of Allah they have gotten. What is the explanation he could snooze off, not realizing whether he'd got the euphoria of Allah?

In an alternate report, from some other time they found Yahya AS crying in a grave was dug by him for himself. His dad Zakariya AS was keen on why he was there. Yahya AS answered: "Goodness father! Did you not you share with me among Jannah and Damnation there is only one extension that can't be crossed aside from sobbing tears? " Zakariya AS then, at that point, said: "Sob my child, " and the two of them cried together.

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Prophet Yahya  The occupants of Bani Israel were committed and appreciated Yahya Similarly as with a ton of regard and his words were accustomed to carry them to their centers.

Imam Ahmad detailed that Allah had directed Yahya Likewise with five obligations that he was to supervise Bani Israel with. Yahya AS was deferred for a period in the execution of this request, and was cautioned from Isa AS that he if didn't follow his request, Isa AS would do it all things being equal.

In the reprisal, Yahya AS accumulated the Israelites in Jerusalem and gave the five decrees. They were to respect, as a matter of fact, Allah without distinguishing Him with any other person as the relationship is equivalent to one who bought one a slave with the most noteworthy of his wealth, for example, silver or gold, but the slave started attempting to help other people.

The third was to go to Allah and not permit themselves to get diverted by different exercises.

The third part is from the rule of fasting, like the case of an individual salve sack in many individuals and everybody is captivated by the scent.

The fourth choice was to give good cause in light of the fact that the story is like one that was abducted by a foe, they tied h