Hazrat Daniyal (Daniel) alihissalam was one of the Prophets shipped off the offspring of Israel. He isn't referenced in that frame of mind by name, nonetheless, there are a few hadiths and Islamic portrayals which give insights concerning Him. By virtue of a few Muslim practices, it is said that Daniyal alaihissalam taught in Babylon and reminded individuals about the unity of God. He inhabited the hour of Nebuchadnezzar who obliterated Snare al-muqaddas and killed a significant number of the Bani Israel and consumed the Torah.

Not many portrayals about Daniyal alihissalam are:

Described Ibn Abi Al-Dunya, in view of a chain of references that Nebuchadnezzar directed to through Prophet Daniyal (Daniel) in a pit with two starving lions, yet lions didn't go after him by the desire of ALLAH SWT, besides, the lions began licking Him with warmth.

At the point when then, at that point, he wanted food and drink, Allah uncovered to Jeremiah (A.S.), who was in Hoax (Palestine/Syria): "Plan food and drink for Daniyal." He said: "O Master I'm in Jerusalem while Daniyal is in Babylon (Iraq)." Then ALLAH SWT uncovered to him: "Do what I have directed you to do, and I will send you the person who will convey you and what you have arranged." Jeremiah did so and Allah sent him something that would convey him until he showed up close to the pit.

Prophet Daniyal enquired: "Who are you?" He replied: "I'm Jeremiah." He inquired: "What brought you?" He said: "Your Ruler sent me to you." He said: "Thus my Master has recalled that me?" He said: "OK." Daniyal said: "Recognition be to Allah Who has always remembered me! What's more, Applause be to Allah Who always remembers the people who appeal to Him! Furthermore, Recognition is to Him Who repays great with great, rewards persistence with security, dissipates hurt after the trouble, guarantees us when we are overpowered, and is our expectation when expertise bombs us."

As per another portrayal by virtue of Daniyal's passing:

Ibn Abu Dunya detailed from Abu Bilal that Abu Musa found with Daniyal (Daniel) a blessed content and a holder where were dirhams, his ring and treatment. He kept in touch with Umar, who answered: "Send the sacred text to us, send a portion of the balm, let the Muslims know who are with you to utilize it, divide the dirhams between them, and leave the ring for you. Abu Bakr Ibn Abu Dunya related without reference that when Abu Musa was informed that he was Daniyal, he remained with him, embraced him, and kissed him. Then, at that point, he kept in touch with Umar that he found with him almost 10,000 Dhirhams. It used to be that individuals came to acquire from it, and in the event that they didn't return it, they ended up being debilitated. Umar requested his entombment in a grave to be kept mystery and the cash to be shipped off the depository, with the container and the ring a gift to him (Abu Musa). It is connected of Abu Musa that he advised four of the prisoners to dam the waterway and dig a grave in the center, where he covered him. Then he decapitated the four prisoners for the key to be kept from all with the exception of himself.

Ibn Abu Dunya likewise detailed, by a chain of references, that a ring was seen on the hand of Ibn Abu Barda Ibn Abu Musa. The jewel was cut with two lions with a man between them, whom they were licking. Abu Barda said: "This is the ring of that man whom individuals of this town say is Daniyal. Abu Musa took it the day he was covered. The learned individuals of the town let Abu Musa know that diviners and celestial prophets told the ruler in Daniyal's time that a kid would be conceived who might obliterate him and his realm. So the ruler committed to kill all the child young men, then again, actually they tossed Daniyal in the lions' cave, and the lion and lioness started to lick him and didn't hurt him. His mom came and took him. Abu Musa said: "Thus Daniyal cut his picture and the picture of the two lions into the diamond of his ring, for him not to neglect Allah's approval upon him in this.