In Muslim history there are a few unprecedented accounts of how individuals have embraced Islam throughout the long term.

Islam Needs You to Live for It

Islam Needs You to Live for It

Finding out about how others came to Islam permits us to stop and consider our own profound excursion and to say thanks to All-powerful Allah for His incredible gift to us of being Muslims.

Such accounts of courage and of profound looking through assist us with investing into setting our own unfortunate amounts of energy as workers of Allah.

One of the most human of these accounts is the tale of Hamzah ibn Abd Al-Muttalib, the uncle of Prophet Muhammad.

The story is extremely straightforward. It happened this way. For a considerable length of time, Prophet Muhammad had addressed a couple of individuals about the disclosure he had so far got from Holy messenger Gabriel, and for a further three years he battled against extraordinary chances to spread the word about the directive for the more extensive local area in Makkah.

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For doing this he was denounced and criticized by individuals of Makkah. Some Makkans were major areas of strength for particularly driving this mission against the Prophet and against Islam. One of these men was Abu Jahl.

At some point, Prophet Muhammad was strolling at the foot of Mount As-Safa in Makkah when Abu Jahl met him. Abu Jahl started to mock him and to disparage the message of the Unity of Allah that he was teaching.

A few reports even say that he took a stone and hit Muhammad with it, making his head drain. The Prophet didn't answer the insults, and Abu Jahl bragged to his clans individuals what he had done.

Protecting His Nephew

Story of Prophet Muhammad's Significant other Woman Maymuna

Story of Prophet Muhammad's Significant other Woman Maymuna

It was right as of now that Hamzah was returning from hunting. Hamzah was a daring man, extremely well known with individuals of Makkah, and he used to cherish hunting. He ran over the liberated slave lady of 'Abdullah ibn Judan, who let him know what had befallen his nephew.

In a fury, Hamzah hurried off to the Ka'bah to look for vengeance on the person who had hurt a his relative. Without saying a word he utilized his hunting bow to hit Abu Jahl, cutting his head. He then, at that point, asked Abu Jahl how he thought for even a second to hurt his nephew, particularly since he taught the very message that Hamzah trusted in.

Hamzah had never said these words and they were a shock to everybody and set the two clans in craze, Abu Jahl needed to concede that he had irritated Muhammad and merited what he got.

From that second on, proclaiming before individuals of Makkah that he had faith in the message of his nephew, Muhammad, Hamzah was one of the Prophet's staunchest allies and did all that he could to safeguard him.

Hamzah was to proceed to become known as "Asadullah", the Lion of Allah, so solid was his safeguard of Islam thus extraordinary was he to become as one of its fighters. In the end he passed on an extremely savage and severe demise because of evil and vindictive individuals, giving his final gasp in the reason for Allah.

Illustrations to Gain from the Story

What could this story at any point show us today? What does the arrival of Hamzah to Islam need to share with us now? All things considered it, most importantly, instructs us that we don't have the foggiest idea what is happening in an individual's heart and brain.

Who can say for sure the thing Hamzah had been thinking in those long stretches of time before he turned out with regards to his nephew and broadcasted his own faith in Islam?

Had he from the beginning been unobtrusively contemplating becoming Muslim? Had a unique word or expression persuaded him regarding the reality of Islam? Had it been the message and the character of the Prophet that had attracted him to Allah?

We truly don't have the foggiest idea, and nor do we have any idea what is happening in the hearts and brains of our non-Muslim partners and companions when we converse with them about Islam.

The fresh insight about the attack on his nephew came not from an extremely incredible individual or through some extraordinary discourse, yet by the expressions of a liberated slave lady. Similarly, it need not be a sheik or somebody with tremendous information on Islam and the Quran whose words attract another person nearer to Islam. It very well may be our own extremely straightforward words or activities which start others thinking.

We never know, then, at that point, the impacts our words and our model will have on others.

We should teach ourselves, obviously, to the most extensive level in having the option to make sense of its lessons and its message. Be that as it may, all we are approached to do is to have our impact in telling others about Islam. Not we call them to Islam, it is Allah alone.

Be an Envoy

New Expectation: Prophet Muhammad's Uncle and Umar Convert to Islam

New Expectation: Prophet Muhammad's Uncle and Umar Convert to Islam

One more striking thing about the narrative of Hamzah's return is that he demonstrated the fact that he is exceptionally human. Practically out of fury, with regards to a relative, he emerged with the words that he trusted Islam to be valid.

A solid feeling of family honor and an exceptionally hot attitude were the impetuses that carried him to submit and to do homage Allah. Perceive how Allah utilizes everything to attract individuals to Himself? He even purposes our shortcomings to address us.

In our cutting edge world, as well, the name and the personality of Prophet Muhammad is both criticized and scorned. In the Quran, All-powerful Allah tells Muhammad in those extremely dim days when his message appeared to be not to be succeeding and when individual abuses on the prophet were at their level:

We realize that your bosom is troubled by what they say. (15:97)

Yet, All-powerful Allah likewise let him know in the following section what implies:

Thusly, commend the gestures of recognition of your Master, and be among the individuals who prostrate themselves before Him. (15:98)

In the event that we were to genuinely live as great Muslims, how the world could look on Islam? Rather than taking mutilated thoughts regarding Islam from the media, they would see a delightful and sweet message, which addresses the hearts of all humanity today.

(From Finding Islam's document)

story transformation Convert to Islam Hamzah

About Idris Tawfiq

Idris Tawfiq was an English essayist, public speaker and consultant.He turned into a Muslim around 15 years ago.For numerous years, he was head of strict training in various schools in the Unified Kingdom.Before embracing Islam, he was a Roman Catholic priest.He died in harmony in the UK in February 2016 after a time of illness.May Allah (SWT) show kindness toward him, and acknowledge his great deeds. Ameen.