Prophet Lut ("Prophet Part") was brought up by his uncle Prophet Ibrahim, may harmony arrive. Prophet Lut adored, regarded and trusted in Ibrahim's message in any event, when everybody derided him. Ibrahim, along with Lut, frequently went far, across land and ocean, attempting to welcome and spread man to the crease of Islam.

During Ibrahim's and Lut's movement to Palestine, they got the heavenly pronouncement of Allah that Lut had been picked as a Prophet and Courier for individuals of Sodom. Allah taught the new Prophet to venture out to the city of Sodom, situated on the line of Jordan and Palestine, and bring the violators back to the love of Allah.

Sodom was a flourishing city that was visited by numerous explorers, dealers and money managers for exchange. Nonetheless, Sodom was likewise the most bad city with the most elevated crime during that time. Voyagers passing Sodom were frequently waylaid and denied of their assets, and in some cases were cruelly killed. In any case, the most famous demonstration of underhanded that was committed by this bad country was homosexuality.

Homosexuality was brought into the world by individuals of Lut — none throughout the entire existence of humanity had at any point experienced or rehearsed homosexuality before Sodom. This disgraceful practice was the standard among this country, and the whole populace took part in it. They were colossally pleased with their direct, talked transparently about it, and took part in these corrupt ways of behaving out in the open.

Homosexuality was brought into the world by individuals of Lut — none throughout the entire existence of humanity had at any point experienced or polished homosexuality before Sodom. This disgraceful practice was the standard among this country, and the whole populace participated in it. They were enormously glad for their lead, talked transparently about it, and took part in these shameless ways of behaving out in the open.

Satisfied with the Prophethood and his new mission, Prophet Lut before long got comfortable Sodom and started to devise ways of getting his kin to the overlap of Islam. He was very much aware that his country was the most bad country of that time; yet he held firm confidence and sought divine intervention that they would before long see the mistake of their methodologies and go into the way of Allah.

Before long Prophet Lut moved toward the men of the city and helped them to remember their Master: "Will you not dread Allah and submit to Him? Verily! I'm a reliable Courier to you. So dread Allah, keep your obligation to Him, and submit to me." Astounded, the men of the city started examining among themselves: "This man has entered our city, and is advising us to stop what we are doing? Obviously, he is acquiring something out of this!" Prophet Lut answered: "No award do I request from you for it. My prize is just from the Ruler of the Universes."

Prophet Lut then, at that point, introduced the issue of homosexuality and informed them that it was for sure an improper practice. He said: "Do you move toward guys among the universes, and leave those whom your Master has made for you as your spouses? Nay, you are a group of violating!"

Prophet Lut then illuminated his kin that he could never consent to be a piece of this such a training, and cautioned them of a serious discipline from Allah. He said: "I'm to be sure, of the individuals who oppose with extreme resentment and rage your activity (of homosexuality)." The people of Sodom ended up being exceptionally furious at Lut's discourse; they started to talk about among one another, wanting to drive Lut away from their city. They then, at that point, cautioned Prophet Lut: "In the event that you stop not, O Lut! Verily, you will be one of the people who are driven out!"

Prophet Lut ended up being bothered. After forever and a day of welcoming individuals to Islam, not one individual in Sodom had entered the crease of Islam. The main Muslim family in Sodom was Lut's home and not every one of its tenants were Muslims — Lut and his girls were immovable in their religion, however his significant other kept on being among the non-adherents. So Prophet Lut lifted his hands to the sky and supplicated: "My Master, support me against the adulterating individuals. My Master, save all of us from what they do."

In the mean time, Allah sent three heavenly messengers, including Holy messenger Jibreel, camouflaged as men to Prophet Ibrahim's home as visitors. Ibrahim, who neglected to perceive the holy messengers, arranged a great dining experience for his visitors. In any case, his visitors rejected the feasts proposed to them. Prophet Ibrahim became unfortunate; he inquired: "Who are you?" The holy messengers answered: "Don't be apprehensive! We are the holy messengers of Allah. We have been shipped off individuals of Lut and we have been shipped off give you happy greetings of a child having a lot of information and intelligence." Prophet Ibrahim realize that Allah's discipline for individuals of Sodom was close. He promptly dreaded for his nephew, Lut; he told the holy messengers: "For sure, inside it is Lut." The Heavenly messengers answered: "We are more knowing about who is inside it." They consoled Ibrahim that Lut will be saved.

The heavenly messengers then continued towards Sodom masked as attractive young fellows. The girl of Lut, a devotee, saw the attractive men entering the city and madly hurried to her dad and educated him regarding the three men. Prophet Lut moved toward the men and invited them to city of Sodom. He knew excessively well of the destiny that would occur for the young fellows because of the men of Sodom; so he planned to persuade the men to leave the city for their own security. Yet, Prophet Lut was excessively humiliated to request that the visitors leave, so he directed the visitors to his home guaranteeing that none saw the three attractive men.

Lut's better half, a non-devotee, saw the men as they went into her home, along with her significant other, Lut. She rushed to the men of the city and informed them that Lut had three alluring, young fellows in his home. The men celebrated at the news and gradually assembled external the place of Lut and started beating on his entryway. Lut yelled: "Don't shame me concerning my visitors. Is there not among you a man of reason?" Developing fretful, the men yelled back: "Have we not illegal you from [hosting] individuals?"

The entire country of Sodom had now accumulated very close to home. They became restless constantly and started separating his entryway. Feeling fomented, Lut shouted to his kin: "These [the young ladies of the nation] are my girls [to wed lawfully] assuming you should act so." The men answered: "You have definitely realized that we care very little about your girls; and without a doubt, you understand what we need." Prophet Lut became vulnerable against the bad individuals. "If by some stroke of good luck I had against you some power or could take shelter in areas of strength for a", he thought. The three men then shouted out: "O Lut, to be sure we are holy messengers of your Ruler; [therefore] they won't ever contact you."

Heavenly messenger Jibreel then, at that point, got out of Lut's home and struck the men making all men lose their vision. Stunned and maddened, the men yelled: "What's this enchanted that just hit us? Where did this come from? O Lut! You are the one behind this. You will see how we will treat you tomorrow." The visually impaired men then, at that point, got back to their homes plotting to annihilate Lut the next day.

Allah instructed Lut: "Set out with your family during a part of the evening and let no among you think back, with the exception of your significant other. To be sure she will be struck by that which strikes them. To be sure, their arrangement is [for] the morning. Isn't the morning close?" As educated, Prophet Lut, along with his girls, left Sodom during the evening.

As the morning unfolded, a boisterous, puncturing cry resulted through the city that shook the inhabitants with extraordinary torment and dread. Jibreel then, at that point, snatched the country from the edge of his wing, raised them high up, curved the land, and crashed it to the ground. Allah then, at that point, made the skies downpour down stones of hard dirt — each stone engraved with the name of a violator for whom it was planned for, finishing the vain existences of the tenants of Sodom.

Prophet Lut, who left Sodom with his little girls, got back to his uncle, Prophet Ibrahim. Along with Ibrahim, Lut kept on spreading the message of Allah till his passing.

Today, the Dead Ocean lies at the site of the bad city of Sodom, and stays as a strong sign of Allah's rage against individuals of Prophet Lut. Allah the Lifted up says in the Blessed Quran: "Doubtlessly! In this are finishes paperwork for the people who see. What's more, verily! They (the urban communities) are right on the highroad (from Mecca to Syria, for example where the Dead Ocean is currently). Clearly! In that is to be sure a sign for the devotees."

Specifies HEBREW Book of scriptures AND NEW Confirmation

Moses in the Jewish Book of scriptures alluded to the obliteration of Sodom and Gomorrah in Deuteronomy 29:22-23:

"Your kids who follow you in later ages and outsiders who come from far off terrains will see the catastrophes that have fallen on the land and the sicknesses with which the ruler has tormented it. The entire land will be a consuming misuse of salt and sulfur — nothing planted, nothing growing, no vegetation developing on it. It will resemble the obliteration of Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboyim, which the Master ousted in wild annoyance."

In the Book of scriptures New Confirmation, Luke 17:28-30, Jesus looks at his second-coming to the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah:

In like manner as it was in the times of Part — they ate, they drank, they purchased, they sold, they planted, they constructed, however on the day when Parcel went out from Sodom fire and sulfur down-poured from paradise and obliterated them all — so will it be on the day when the Child of man is uncovered.

QURAN Stanzas THAT Notice THE Narrative OF PROPHET LUT

There are a sum of 17 ayats that notice the Prophet Lut (pbuh) in the Qur'an.

Surah Anam (6:86)

Surah Araf (7:80)

Also, [We had sent] Part when he told his kin, "Do you commit such impropriety as nobody has gone before you with from among the universes? To be sure, you approach men with want, rather than ladies. Rather, you are a violating individuals." However the response of his kin was just that they said, "Expel them from your city! To be sure, they are men who keep themselves unadulterated." (Ayat 80-82)

Surah Hud (11:70, 74, 77, 89)

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