Prophet Nuh (AS) was one of the prophets sent from Allah(SWT) and an entire surah, Surah Nuh, has been committed to him. Allah(SWT) has commended Nuh (AS) in Quran as

"Thankful Worker of Allah" and "Genuine Courier of Allah"

Presently, as we discuss the narrative of Prophet Nuh (AS), there are numerous occasions that imprint till its finish.

As years went by, individuals on Earth were rehearsing excessive admiration. This act came into training to such an extent that at whatever point one of the great individuals kicked the bucket, their sculptures were made to keep a recognition and ultimately; the approaching ages started to venerate them, by regarding them as divine beings. They accepted that these divine beings would bring them great, safeguard them from evil and satisfy every one of their necessities. They gave their deities names like Waadan, Nasran, etc. Initially these were the names of good individuals who had lived among them.

It was then, that Allah (SWT) sent Prophet Nuh (AS) to direct his kin back on the correct way of Allah. He was a magnificent speaker and an extremely quiet man. He used to call attention to his kin the secrets of life and the marvels of the universe. Prophet Nuh (AS) over and again told his kin not to venerate anybody with the exception of Allah. He explained to them how Satan had misled them for such a long time and that the opportunity had arrived for this double dealing to stop. This went on for north of 900 years of his life, teaching that there will be discipline of the Inferno assuming they rebelled. In any case, just the powerless and destitute individuals, including the workers, accepted him yet not the rich. The rich ones, loaded with cold doubt, dealt with poor people and told Prophet Nuh (AS) to ease off from his thought process. These doubters said:

" We don't see you however as a man such as ourselves, and we don't see you followed besides by the people who are the most minimal of us [and] at first idea. Furthermore, we don't find in you over us any legitimacy; rather, we think you are liars. (Surah Hud 13:27)

Notwithstanding, Prophet Nuh (AS) would not surrender and gave legitimate reasons. The doubters further contended and said:

" They said: "O Nuh (Noah)! You have questioned with us and much have you delayed the debate with us, presently bring upon us what you compromise us with, in the event that you are of the honest." (Surah Hud 13:32)

Hazrat Nuh(AS) then, at that point, said:

" He said: "Just Allah will present to it (the discipline) on you, in the event that He will, and you will escape not. What's more, my recommendation won't benefit you, regardless of whether I wish to give you great guidance, in the event that Allah's Will is to keep you off track. He is your Master! also, to Him you will return." (Surah Hud 13:33-34)

In spite of his honest contentions, he kept persuading his kin to have confidence in Allah a large number of hours, many days a large number of years. Also, at whatever point he called them to Allah, they either took off from him or put their fingers in their ears and turned out to be too glad to even consider paying attention to reality. All things considered, he understood additional time that his endeavors were without a doubt to no end.

Thusly, he became drained and miserable; asked Allah (SWT) to obliterate the non-adherents. As Quran says:

" And Nuh (Noah) said: "My Ruler! Leave not one of the skeptics on the earth! In the event that You leave them, they will deceive Your slaves, and they will conceive none yet underhanded doubters." " (Surah Nuh 71:26-27)

Allah (SWT) then, at that point, acknowledged his request and asked Prophet Noah (AS) to fabricate an Ark away from the ocean with wood and devices. As non-adherents saw these arrangements, they derided at him thinking he went frantic. As Quran says:

"What's more, develop the boat under Our Eyes and with Our Motivation, and address Me not in the interest of the people who fouled up; they are clearly to be suffocated." (Surah Hud 13:37)

To answer to the jokes of the skeptics, Prophet Nuh (AS) said:

"Furthermore, you will realize who will get a discipline that will shame him [on earth] and upon whom will drop a persevering through discipline [in the Hereafter]." (Surah Hud 13:39)

In the end when the Ark was constructed, Prophet Noah (AS) and his devotees calmly sat tight for the order of Allah (SWT). Allah uncovered to him that when water supernaturally spouted forward from the stove at Prophet Noah's(AS) house, that would be the indication of the beginning of the flood, and the sign for Prophet Nuh (AS) to make a move.

The day then, at that point, showed up and water supernaturally down-poured over the inhabitants, coming about as a weighty downpour. Prophet Noah (AS) opened the Ark and permitted the devotees and creatures to come inside, by which there were roughly 80 individuals. Individuals and creatures were two by two to such an extent that their ages could flourish and that they don't become wiped out.

The non-adherents, including Prophet Noah's(AS) spouse and one of his children, didn't enter regardless of his call. Prophet Nuh (AS) said:

....."O my child, get on with us and be not with the skeptics." (Surah Hud 13:42)

Nonetheless, his child didn't tune in and said:

"I will take shelter on a mountain to shield me from the water." [Noah] said, "There is no defender today from the pronouncement of Allah, with the exception of whom He gives kindness." And the waves separated them, and he was among the suffocated. (Surah Hud 13:43)

Ultimately, the waves cleared all the non-adherents, which included Hazrat Nuh's(AS) child and spouse.

Subsequently, when the water was retained, Prophet Noah (AS) was miserable and sobbed for the way that his child and spouse didn't comply with the expressions of Allah (SWT). However, Prophet Noah(AS) looked for Allah's(SWT) benevolence. He set everyone free from the Ark and life returned to ordinary practice on The planet.

In the long run, Hazrat Nuh (AS) died and his last exhortation to his child was to revere Allah (SWT) alone.