Bilal ibn Rabah was brought into the world in Mecca in the Hejaz in the year 580.[7] His dad Rabah was a Bedouin slave for the faction of Banu Jumah while his mom, Hamamah, was purportedly a previous princess of Abyssinia[8] who was caught after the occasion of the Extended time of the Elephant, and put into subjection. Being naturally introduced to servitude, Bilal had no other choice except for to work for his lord, Umayyah ibn Khalaf. Through difficult work, Bilal became perceived as a decent slave and was shared with the keys with the Symbols of Arabia. Nonetheless, prejudice and sociopolitical rules of Arabia kept Bilal from accomplishing an elevated situation in society.[7]

Bilal's appearance

Bilal (left) among different colleagues of Muhammad in a mid fifteenth century painting

In his book, Bilal ibn Rabah, Muhammad Abdul-Rauf states that Bilal "was of an attractive and noteworthy height, dim earthy colored tone with shining eyes, a fine nose and splendid skin. He was likewise gifted with a profound, musical, thunderous voice. He wore a facial hair growth which was dainty on the two cheeks. He was enriched with extraordinary insight and a feeling of respect and self esteem."[9] Comparatively, in his book The Existence of Muhammad, William Muir expresses that Bilal "was tall, dim, and with African component and rugged hair."[10] Muir likewise expresses that honorable individuals from the Quraysh loathed Bilal and referred to him as "Ibn Sawda" (child of the dark woman).[10]

Change to Islam

At the point when Muhammad reported his prophet-hood and began to teach the message of Islam, Bilal repudiated symbol love, becoming one of the earliest believers to the faith.[11]

Oppression of Bilal

Bilal ibn Rabah being whipped after he pronounced his Islamic Confidence.

At the point when Bilal's slave driver, Umayyah ibn Khalaf, found out, he started to torment Bilal.[7] At the impelling of Abu Jahl, Umayyah bound Bilal and had him hauled around Mecca as youngsters ridiculed him.[11] Bilal wouldn't disavow Islam, rather rehashing "Ahad" (God is one).[11][12] Exasperated at Bilal's refusal, Umayyah requested that Bilal be whipped and beaten while spread-eagled upon the Bedouin sands under the desert sun, his appendages bound to stakes. At the point when Bilal actually wouldn't retract, Umayyah requested that a hot stone be put on Bilal's chest.[7] Notwithstanding, Bilal stayed firm in conviction and kept on saying "Ahad Ahad".[7]

Bilal's liberation

Fresh insight about the mistreatment of Bilal arrived at a portion of Muhammad's friends, who informed the prophet. Muhammad sent Abu Bakr to haggle for the liberation of Bilal, who manumitted him after either buying him or trading him for a non-Muslim slave.[7][13][14][15]

Numerous years after the fact, during the assembly for one of the Islamic campaigns in the Levant under Abu Bakr's standard, Bilal asked him, being his past manumitter, for consent to leave Medina and seek after Jihad.[16]

Bilal in Madina

In the recently framed Islamic province of Madina, Bilal had turned into an unmistakable contributing individual from the Muslim society taking on significant jobs.


Muhammad picked Bilal as the first mu'azzin (reciter of the Adhan).[17]

Sunni view

Most of mosques all over the planet recount the Athan as indicated by the Sunni custom. A fantasy was seen by Abdullah ibn Zaid where a holy messenger as a man wearing a green piece of clothing showed the expressions of the adhan. The Prophet then trained Abdullah to show those words to Bilal on the grounds that he had a stronger voice than him. Umar ibn al-Khattab likewise saw a similar dream. The detail of this story is referenced beneath.

It is described in Sunan Ibn Majah [18] that Abdullah ibn Zaid said the accompanying:

The Courier of Allah was thinking about a horn, and he directed that a chime be made and it was finished. Then, at that point 'Abdullah canister Zaid had a fantasy. He said: "I saw a man wearing two green pieces of clothing, conveying a chime. I told him, 'O slave of Allah, will you sell the ringer?' He got out; 'Whatever will you do with it?' I said, 'I will call (individuals) to petition.' He said, 'Will I not tell you of an option that could be preferable over that?' I got out, 'Whatever is it?' he said, 'Say:

Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar; (Allah is The Most Extraordinary, Allah is The Most Incredible)

Debris hadu a la ilaha illallah, Debris hadu a la ilaha illallah; (I take the stand there is no god with the exception of Allah, I give testimony there is no god aside from Allah.)

Debris hadu anna Muhammadan Rasulullah, Debris hadu anna Muhammadan Rasulullah; (I give testimony Muhammed is the Courier of Allah, I take the stand Muhammed is the Courier of Allah)

Hayya 'unfortunately salah, Hayya 'unfortunately salah; (Come to the Request, Come to the Request)

Hayya 'alal-falah, Hayya 'alal-falah; (Come to the success, Come to the flourishing)

Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar; (Allah is the Most incredible, Allah is the Most Extraordinary)

La ilaha illallah (There is no god with the exception of Allah)."

'Abdullah canister Zaid went out and came to the Courier of Allah, and let him know what he had seen. He said, "O Courier of Allah, I saw a man wearing two green pieces of clothing conveying a ringer," and he recounted to him the story. The Courier of Allah said, "Your friend has had a fantasy. Go out with Bilal to the mosque and instruct it to him, for he has a stronger voice than you." I ('Abdullah) went out with Bilal to the mosque, and I began showing him the words and he was getting down on them. 'Umar Al-Khattab heard the voice and came out saying, "O Courier of Allah! By Allah, I saw something very similar (dream) as him." (Hasan) Abu 'Ubaid said: "Abu Bakr Al-Hakami let me know that 'Abdullah receptacle Zaid Al-Ansari said worried that: 'I acclaim Allah, the Holder of magnificence and honor, A lot of recognition for the Adhan. Since the insight about it came to me from Allah, So because of it, I was regarded by the data. During the three evenings. Every one of which expanded me in honor.'"

Shia view

Shias, then again, don't acknowledge Abdullah ibn Ziyad's story.[19] They express that the Adhan was uncovered to Muhammad similarly as the Qur'an al-Majid was uncovered to him.[19] Shias accept that the Adhan couldn't be passed on to the fantasies or reveries.[19] Moreover, Sayed Ali Asgher Razwy states, "On the off chance that the Prophet could show the Muslims how to perform surrenders, and how, when, and what to say in every request, he could likewise show them how and when to caution others before the ideal opportunity for every request." As per the Shia customs, the holy messenger who showed Muhammad how to perform ablutions preliminary to petitions and how to perform petitions to heaven additionally showed him the Adhan.[19]


Bilal rose to unmistakable quality in the Islamic people group of Medina, as Muhammad named him clergyman of the Bayt al-Mal (treasury).[20] In this limit, Bilal disseminated assets to widows, vagrants, travelers, and other people who couldn't uphold themselves.[20][19]

Military missions during Muhammad's period


Missions of Muhammad

Principal article: Rundown of undertakings of Muhammad

He partook in the Skirmish of Badr. Muhammad's powers included Ali ibn Abi Talib, Hamza ibn Abd al-Muttalib, Ammar ibn Yasir, Abu Dharr al-Ghifari, Abu Bakr, Umar, Mus'ab ibn 'Umair, and Az-Zubair container Al-'Awwam. The Muslims likewise brought seventy camels and two ponies, implying that they either needed to walk or fit three to four men for every camel.[21] In any case, numerous early Muslim sources demonstrate that no serious battling was expected,[22] and the future Caliph Uthman remained behind to really focus on his debilitated spouse Ruqayyah, the girl of Muhammad.[23] Salman the Persian likewise couldn't join the fight, as he was as yet not a free man.[24][25]

His devotion

Bilal was among the sahabah guaranteed Heaven in this world, as referenced in the narrative of his strides being heard in paradise.[26]

At the hour of the Fajr supplication the Prophet (ï·º) asked Bilal, "Tell me of the best deed you did subsequent to embracing Islam, for I heard your strides before me in Heaven." Bilal answered, "I did nothing worth focusing on with the exception of that at whatever point I performed bathing during the day or night, I implored after that bathing as much as was composed for me."

After Muhammad

Sunni view

In the Sīrat Abī Bakr Al-Ṣiddīq that assembled numerous portrayals and arranged authentic conditions in regards to the standard of Caliph Abu Bakr, Bilal went with the Muslim armed forces, under the orders of Said ibn Aamir al-Jumahi, to Syria.[27]

Shia view

After Muhammad kicked the bucket in 632 CE, Bilal was one individuals who didn't give bay'ah (the vow of loyalty) to Abu Bakr.[2][28][29][30] It is reported that when Bilal didn't give bay'ah to Abu Bakr, Umar ibn al-Khattab snatched Bilal by his garments and inquired, "Is this the award of Abu Bakr; he liberated you and you are currently declining to pay faithfulness to him?[2] Bilal answered, "In the event that Abu Bakr had liberated me for the joy of Allah, let him abandon me for Allah; and on the off chance that he had liberated me for his administration, I'm prepared to deliver him the administrations required. However, I won't pay devotion to an individual whom the Courier of God had not named as his caliph."[2] Comparatively, al-Isti'ab, a Sunni source, expresses that Bilal told Abu Bakr: "On the off chance that you have liberated me for yourself, make me a hostage once more; yet in the event that you had liberated me for Allah, let me go in the method of Allah." This was said when Bilal needed to go for Jihad. Abu Bakr then let him go."[2][31] coming up next is a sonnet by Bilal on his refusal to give Abu Bakr bay'ah:

By Allah! I didn't turn towards Abu Bakr,

On the off chance that Allah had not safeguarded me,

hyena would have remained on my appendages.

Allah has presented to me great

also, respected me,

Most likely there is immense great with Allah.

You won't find me following a pioneer,

Since I'm not a pioneer, as they are.[2]

Being banished from Medina by Umar and Abu Bakr, Bilal moved to Syria.[2]

Abu Ja'far al-Tusi, a Shia researcher, has likewise expressed in lkhtiyar al-Rijal that Bilal would not pay devotion to Abu Bakr.[2]


Purnam Allahabadi, a Sufi writer whose works began from the Mughal Domain, formed a Qawwali where he referenced how time had halted when a few sidekicks impeded Bilal from conveying the Adhan (which he had found in his fantasy), and pursued that it was incorrect.