Prophet Dawud alaihissalam was one of the noble individuals of Banu Israel who enlisted in the multitude of Banu Israel when he was an exceptionally young man. He was among the individuals who settled after battling with individuals of Jerusalem to catch the Sacred land as directed by ALLAH SWT.

Prophet Dawud alaihissalam is known as David by Jewish. He was brought into the world in Jerusalem in the tenth century BCE. Like different Prophets, Prophet Dawud alaihissalam was a cherished Prophet of ALLAH SWT, and ALLAH SWT gave Him with supernatural powers and incredible strength. He was the person who laid out the standards of All-powerful ALLAH on the planet.

Prophet Dawud alaihissalam is referenced multiple times by his name in various parts of the Quran in different portrayals.

The Blessed book Zubur (Hymns) was uncovered on Dawud alaihissalam.

"Furthermore, your Master realizes best all who are in the sky and the earth. What's more, without a doubt, We have favored a portion of the Prophets above others, and to Dawud (David) We gave the Zabur (Hymns)" (Quran 17:55)

ALLAH SWT gifted Him with the best voice like nobody at any point had and at whatever point he presented the Zubur and lauded ALLAH SWT, every one of the birds used to get collected around him and participate in adulating ALLAH SWT. And, surprisingly, the plants and the mountains would appreciate and go along with him in Commending the all-powerful ALLAH.

It is referenced in the Quran that ALLAH SWT says: "We really exposed the mountains to song Our gestures of recognition alongside Him at night and after dawn" (Quran 38:18)

"Also, the birds were collected, all with him rehashing acclaims" (Quran 38:19)

Prophet Dawud alaihissalam was the first to whom ALLAH SWT made talented in making weapons and coverings from iron. ALLAH SWT favored him with a marvel by which he could liquefy iron in his grasp and shape it into weapons and protective layers.

ALLAH SWT specifies in Surah Saba: And unquestionably, We gave Dawud abundance from Us (and said), 'O mountains! Rehash Our commendations with him, and the birds you as well'. Also, we relaxed for him iron, (saying) 'Make wide layers of mail, and measure well the connections and carry out exemplary things. Unquestionably I'm Soothsayer of what you do." (Quran 34:10-11)

Prophet Dawud alaihissalam used to implore during the evenings and used to quick every substituted day. He isolated his night into parts for supplications and rest.

In a legitimate Hadees, Prophet Muhammad SAW said: "The most adored Salat (supplication) in seeing ALLAH SWT is the Salat of Dawud and the most cherished of Saum (fasting) in seeing ALLAH SWT is the Saum of Dawud. He used to rest for the main portion of the evening and deal petition for 33% of it and rest (once more) for one-6th of it. Also, he used to notice quick on substitute days. What's more, when he experienced an adversary he never escaped." (Bukhari)

ALLAH SWT additionally presented Him with the capacity to grasp the language of birds and creatures.

The strength and shrewdness of Prophet Dawud alaihissalam are referenced through different portrayals in the Blessed Quran.

One of the occurrences of His solidarity and accommodation to ALLAH SWT quite early on is referenced in the Quran in Surah Baqarah.

So they crushed them by authorization of Allah, and David killed Goliath, and Allah gave him the majesty and insight [i.e., prophethood] and showed him from that which He willed. Furthermore, in the event that it were not for Allah checking [some] individuals through others, the earth would have been undermined, however Allah is the owner of abundance for the universes. (Quran 2:251 )

After Prophet Musa Alaihissalam kicked the bucket, the Israelites turned out to be extremely impolite and skeptics. To cause them to understand their insubordination and willfulness, and to remind them to go to ALLAH, ALLAH SWT put them on a preliminary by designating one of the most obviously awful and most horrendous despots as their chief named Jalut(Goliath). Banu Israel was depleted with the embarrassment and ceaseless conflicts and losses in the realm of Jalut.

After numerous long periods of preliminaries, Talut was chosen to be the ruler of Banu Israel by ALLAH SWT. Talut was a rancher, and he was, serious areas of strength for compliant, an insightful man.

Talut had exceptionally restricted individuals and arms in his military be that as it may, Jalut had a gigantic, solid, and completely prepared armed force. Both the armed forces were set to battle. Banu Israel got appalled seeing the size of Jalut's military.

Lord Talut announced that whoever kills Jaloot will get hitched to his girl.

No one considered going in front and begin the battle and as of now a young man approached saying I will battle Jalut. Talut would not allow him to go as He was extremely youthful. Nonetheless, the kid demanded to let him go and said, I killed a lion the previous evening so I can battle with Jalut. That valiant young man was Prophet Dawud alaihissalam.

Talut concurred and made him wear the reinforcement to begin the battle. Prophet Dawud alaihissalam felt it hard to go with the shield as He was so youthful and thin. Dawud alaihissalam confronted Jalut without any weapons or swords yet a slingshot and hardly any rocks. He petitioned ALLAH SWT to help him and was prepared to kill Jalut.

He shot with his slingshot and the rock got directly to Jalut's brow. He was hit hard to the point that he promptly fell with blood spouting from his brow and he was tracked down dead right away.

The multitude of Jalut got unnerved seeing their chief bite the dust in a flash. The Banu Israel then, at that point, won the fight with the Philistine armed force by the will and help of ALLAH SWT despite the fact that they were not many in numbers and were scarcely prepared.

Dawud alaihissalam then entered the blessed place that is known for Jerusalem with his family and other honest individuals.

As guaranteed, Talut wedded his girl to Prophet Dawud alaihissalam. Likewise, Talut named Dawud alaihissalam as the leader of his military.

The insight, significance, and humbleness of Prophet Dawud alaihissalam began expanding among everybody with time. The affection and unmistakable quality that prophet Dawud alaihissalam was getting from individuals made Talut desirous and he began begrudging Dawud alaihissalam.

This fire of enviously became so extreme that Talut made arrangements to kill Him. Talut sent Dawud alaihissalam to send him for risky conflicts so he might be killed by the foes notwithstanding, Prophet Dawud alaihissalam won each fight with the assistance of ALLAH SWT.

At the point when Prophet Dawud alaihissalam got to be aware of Talut's arrangement, He left the spot with His family that very night and protected in a cavern. Numerous others likewise took cover with him in the cavern. Prophet Dawud alaihissalam then went to the adjoining realm of Palestine alongside his kin.

Talut went after Palestine when he came to be aware of this. He passed on in this fight and his warriors escaped from that point. Prophet Dawud alaihissalam was the lord of Palestine now and after the passing of Samuel alaihissalam, ALLAH SWT conceded him with Prophethood.

Prophet Dawud alaihissalam controlled Palestine for a very long time with harmony and congruity. He burned through 7 years in Hebron and 33 years in Al-Quds (Jerusalem).

Prophet Dawud alaihissalam began to modify masjid Al-Aqsa which was lay in remnants and it was a major task nonetheless, He was unable to finish it and died.

Later His child Prophet Sulaiman alaihissalam finished modifying Masjid Al-Aqsa.

Prophet Dawud alaihissalam lived for 100 years.